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Flag House Community Revitalization

CNU Charter Award (TGP)

AIA National Urban Planning Award (TGP)

As a Partner of Torti Gallas and Partners, Marc Wouters served as design lead for the master plan and architectural design for a 15 block area adjacent to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The project revitalizes both a public housing project and surrounding neighborhood into a pedestrian-scaled community of 338 new affordable and market rate rowhouses, apartments, as well as a retail street with new live-work units.

The neighborhood, which has several historic buildings, had gone through decades of neglect and the residents requested help. During a lengthy series of public meetings and public charrette, plans for the neighborhood were developed with specific guidance from the residents. The resulting plan’s public realm integrates defensible space practices with time-tested urban design principles in order to create a safe mixed-income, mixed-use neighborhood.

The historic architectural character of the neighborhood was the basis of the design of new homes. Displacement of the residents during construction was a significant concern. The project incorporated a mix of financing sources including tax credits, HOME funds, Capital Improvement Program funds, Community Home Investment Program funds, private investment, and a HUD grant.